Staff module in NLP helps schools to manage staff information in an efficient manner. It is equipped with numerous tools that handle detailed information related to staff.
Key Features
- Ensures data security The cloud-based approach of NLP helps to store staff details in a secure server and prevents any type of data-destruction, manipulation and theft. It also helps admins avail staff details at any time with just a single click.
- Provides comprehensive staff profiles It provides comprehensive staff profiles with detailed reports of individual staff. The application sets the hierarchy via the reporting managers and provides staff with ID cards and unique ID numbers. Furthermore, it helps to generate reports comprising staff details to maintain transparency in the workflow.
- Enables personalised updation Be it adding staff details to the database, or creating and assigning departments and designations to the staff, this module eases the work of school admins. It provides permissions to the staff as per different roles according to the mapping. It also helps in tracking teacher competency as per the classes and the subjects they are dealing with.
- Creates smart groups Be it a formal communication group with parents, subject-wise teachers’ group, or an informal group for non-teaching staff. This makes communication better and also enhances transparency.
- Assures customised workflow It provides a role-based dashboard to the school stakeholders that enables them to visit different links as per their requirements. The customisation keeps the flow simple for both staff and admins as they only get domain-specific links to work on.
Employee ID. Settings
Staff Group
Department Designation
Staff Form Editor
Staff ID Card
Staff Letter Generation Settings
Subject Teacher Mapping
Remark Categories
Staff list
ID Card
Staff Remarks
Staff Dashboard
Staff Letter Generation
Custom Staff List
Staff Birthday Report
Custom Staff Count
Staff Joinees Report
Staff Custom Report

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