NLP's Payroll module is user-friendly as it saves time for the school administration by automating calculations and reducing paperwork.
Key Features
- Facilitates ad hoc allowances and deductions It allows the school administration to easily add allowances and make deductions in the salary in any month on ad hoc. These changes won’t be reflected in the salary registers of other months or the salary structure of the employees.
- Provides multiple logics The module provides multiple logics for calculating salary components, such as fixed amount, percentage-based or slab-based. These logics enable the user to create any number of components with their own independent value or based on the value of other components.
- Allows customisation The salary slip templates can be customised according to school needs and convenience. The user can choose the fields they want to have displayed in the salary slip, the order of salary components in the payslip, etc.
- Allows manual overwriting The module enables the users, who have been given access by the school, to edit and overwrite at almost every point, adding to its user-friendliness.
- Enables bulk upload of data It allows the school administration to upload or download the salary structure and monthly salary register in bulk. The module also provides an option to bulk upload Loss of Pay (LOP) days against each employee so that LOP calculation for each component gets done automatically.
Salary Components
General Settings
Payslip Template Settings
Payroll Summary Report
Bank Advise Report

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