Examination module in NLP enables users to use pre-defined templates and generate report cards with a single click. Key Features
  • Creates personalised grading system NLP has three default grading systems approved by CBSE. In this way, schools can create their own grading system with the help of this module.
  • Provides customisable examination structure Establishing the examination structure for a class is a very important task. Through this module, any type of examination structure, including the number of terms and assessments for each class, can be easily designed as they are customisable and intuitive.
  • Enables secure and user-based access With three easy steps — downloading the template, filling the Excel sheet and uploading it back on the system, this module makes the process secure with user-based access, that is, only the concerned teachers get access to the files.
  • Provides graphical representation of student performance This module makes personalised report cards for each student with default templates which provides a complete evaluation of the students’ progress in academics as well as in co-curricular activities in the form of easy-to-understand graphical reports.
  • Ensures parental awareness This module makes parents aware of their ward’s academic performance with regular notifications via SMS and emails.  Parents can also check the report cards via the parent portal.
  • Encourages performance improvement This module encourages teachers to give grace marks to students to improve on their academic performance.
  • Encourages supplementary exam This module encourages students to take supplementary exams to improve their grades.

Exam Hierarchy

Subject Setup

Grade System

Optional Subject Mapping

Subject Activity Configuration

Report Card Builder

Commentary Remark Types

Rank Configuration

Pass/Fail Remarks

Pass/Fail Configuration

Marks Entry Labels

Graph Configuration

Descriptive Indicator

Exam Hierarchy Validator


Holistic Report Card

Marks Entry

Examination Schedule

Report Card Publish

Commentary Remarks

Grace Marks

Examination Replicator

Template Repository

Class Analysis Reports

Class Performance Report

Grade Distribution Report

Term Level Report

Marks Entry Checklist Report

Class Topper Report

Activity Rubric Report

Teacher Analysis Report

Tabulation Report

Quadrant Report

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