What is 1/nth grading system?

> Examination > Grade System

It is a system in which the students can be divided into ‘n’ groups based on the ranks. Each group can be defined with a particular grade. Grades can also be defined for the students who have failed the exam.

Example 1
Let us consider there are 9 students in the class and they will be divided into 3 groups (value of n is 3), according to 1/nth grading system we will get 3 students in each group.
The first group can be awarded as A grade (Top passed students).
The second group can be awarded as B grade (Next passed students).
The third group can be awarded as C grade (Next passed students).

Example 2
Let us consider there are 11 students in the class and they will be divided into 3 groups (value of n is 3), according to 1/nth grading system if we divide 11 students into 3 groups we will get 3 students in each group and 2 students will remain left. The remaining 2 students will be adjusted in the top 2 groups based on their ranks.
The first group will have 4 students and can be awarded as A grade.
The second group will have 4 students and can be awarded as B grade.
The third group will have 3 students and can be awarded as C grade

1. The number of groups will be decided by the school.
2. The 1/nth grading system will be enabled from > Examination> Grade System> Custom Logic> Define Logic

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