How To Upload & Activate Students In Bulk ?

Admin can use this page to create or update the student accounts in bulk.

To create student accounts in bulk, Please follow below steps

  • Login as Admin at NextGurukul Web application
  • Goto Curriculum > Admin Workspace > Students > Add (+)  button >  Bulk Upload
  • Download the excel template without the data.
  • Fill in the excel with relevant details for all students & upload it.
  • System will process the upload and create the accounts.
  • For students to login from home, Admin can download the login info from the Student list page and share it with them. Login ID will be the admission number (you uploaded) prefixed by a shortcode based on your school name and password will be random
  • Students can login to the lab corner with the Lab Access Code (4 digit pin) auto-generated by the system.

To update the student data in bulk, Please fallow below steps

  • Download the excel template with the data.
  • Do the necessary modifications to the excel and upload it.


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