How To Activate Your Account?

To use NextLab in your school, a login account needs to be created for your school’s Administrator,Teachers and Students.
As an administrator, you can set up student and teacher accounts. Teachers can view students for his/her class sections, access course resources, publish additional resources and homework to students and view the usage reports of students.
Students can access resources, explore learning tools, submit homework, and view usage reports of themselves.

  1. As part of your school onboarding with NextEducation, your account will be set up by the NextEducation Support team. Once it’s done, you will get an SMS with the link to the mobile app.

    Sample Sms:

    Dear Rahul, You have been invited as admin
    to your school’s NextLab account. Please signup using
    this mobile number to get started – – NextEd

  2. Download the app & sign up with the same mobile number where the SMS was received. Choose your role as a Teacher during signup.
  3. Manage Teachers and Students. Add Teachers by their name & mobile number. Add Students by scanning the activation code from the students brochure.

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