How do I add custom fields?(Updated Flow)

Step 1: Navigate to Settings -> Administration -> School Setup.

Step 2: Locate Custom Fields and click on it.

Step 3: Click on the Create option in the top-right corner.

Step 4: Update the following required details:

  1. Header:
    This will organize custom fields under a specific header, such as Sports Information or Strength & Weakness.
    Note: To group fields together, ensure all new fields are assigned the same header name.
  2. Applicable To:
    Select the specific module where these fields will apply.
    Example: Select both Admission Student and Student if the field should apply to new applicants as well as confirmed students.
  3. Field Details:
    Provide specific details for the new field:
    • Select Type: Choose from the available options (e.g., Text, List,Checkbox,Multiselect etc.).
      Did you know? Text and List are the most commonly used types for custom fields.
    • Name: Enter the name of the field for which additional information will be collected.
    • Label: To enter the description of the field.
    • Mandatory: Indicate if the field is mandatory by selecting Yes or No.

Step 5: Click Add to save the new field.

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