If you have already signed up as an Admin, follow these simple steps to activate your admin rights:
Step 1: Verify Your Role & School Details
- Navigate to Profile icon, and Tap on view profile from the menu.
- Review your mapped role and school details on this page, ensure all information is accurate.
Need to update any details? Tap the(pencil) icon to edit.
Step 2: Request Admin Access
- Scroll down and locate the Admin Request banner. In case, you are unable to view the banner, please re-check the mapped role & school in your profile.
- Tap on the Request to be an Admin button.
- This request will be sent to the Next Education Support Team. Support team will validate your identity with the school and enable the access. To expedite the process, get an authorization email sent from your official school email address to support@nexteducation.in.

Step 3: Wait for Confirmation
- You will receive an SMS and in-app notification once your Admin access is successfully granted.
- Your request will be processed typically within 2 working days.
Alternative Check:
You can verify your request status by navigating to Profile Icon > View Profile. If approved, you will see the message “You are now an Admin.” Till the approval, it will show ‘Your request to be an admin is under validation.’
Step 4: Access the School Workspace
Once approved, you will see the School Workspace icon in the header area of your homepage.
Using this you can manage:
✅ Student Accounts
✅ Teacher Accounts
✅ Analytics
Watch Video:
For more details, refer to:
📖 How can I add students in Next Gurukul?
📖 How can I bulk-upload student data using an Excel template in Next Gurukul?
📖 How can I add teachers?
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