How to configure various certificates for students?

> Student > Letter Generation Settings

Certificates like Character, Bonafide, Attempt, Transfer etc can be generated on the templates selected for the students.

  1. Select the Letter Type from the drop-down menu including Transfer Certificate, Bonafide Certificate, Character Certificate etc.
  2. Click  to add a template. Select the template from the given templates.
  3. Select Template Size (Ex. A4, A5).
  4. Select a template by clicking on the check circle below the template.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the classes for which the template must be selected. 
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select a sequence from the Letter Autonumbering drop-down menu. The sequence number of the letters will be based on this sequence.
  9. Click Done.


  1. Click to edit, assign or delete the defined certificate templates of the class.
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