Fee Type Overview

> Fee > Fee Type

Fee type defines the kind of fees to be collected as Mandatory, Optional, Ad hoc fee and Admission fee types. For a fee type, if the fee is already collected for some/all mapped classes, then the fee type cannot be deleted as other entities like fee structure, fines, concessions are dependent on it. Also, the mapped classes for which the fees are already paid cannot be unmapped, while editing any fee. A fee once allocated to a certain fee type cannot be reallocated to another fee type after its creation. The label name is used to group the fees under a specific label. Only fee Labels are shown in the fee receipts (for all the fees with the same label, there is only one row mentioned in the fee receipt).

  • Mandatory fees
    • It is the kind of fees which, when allocated to students they are expected to pay it without exemption.
    • This fees will be automatically mapped to all students of the selected classes.
    • For example, Tuition fee that is created as a mandatory fee, will be mapped to all students of the selected classes.
  • Optional Fees
    • It is the fee that a student pays for the services he/she avails.
    • The created optional fee can be assigned to students from the mapped classes, by using Map Students option which can be accessed by clicking the more actions (three dots) menu.
    • For example, Students who have joined for a French language course can be mapped to the French language fee created under optional fee type.
  • Ad hoc fees
    • It is created if some fee has to be collected on an Ad hoc basis from the students.
    • It is distinguished by the specific purpose for which the fees is collected from the students.
    • It can be added directly during fee collection to all the applicable classes defined while creating a particular ad hoc fee. No instalment is defined for this fee type.
    • For example, Adhoc fee for reissuing of a lost ID card should be added on this screen along with the fee amount defined. Only then can the fee be collected from the Collect Fee page.
  • New Admission fee
    • It is collected from the new admission students registered in the Admission module.
    • User can map the applicable classes for this fee type and then select the new admission students who have to pay a new admission fee.
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