Initial Settings
- Fine can be calculated based on the instalment or fee type mapped to the classes.
- Click Settings to select the method of fine calculation before you proceed to create the first fine.
- Fee Type: Fine will be added against each applicable fee type in collect fee page irrespective of the fee instalment. This increases the total amount of the fee type which needs to be paid.
- Fee Instalment: Fine will be added separately in collect fee page and will be added only once for each applicable fee instalment of a particular schedule irrespective of different fee types. Once collected, they won’t be added again.
- Note that once a method is chosen to create a fine, all the fines can be created only using that method. It cannot be altered until all the existing fines are deleted.
Creating and Editing Fines
You can create two types of fines Late fine and Cheque Bounce fine.
- Fine amounts are editable anytime after creation and will be implemented to the students of all the mapped classes for which it hasn’t been collected.
- Amounts of both cheque bounce and late fine can be also waived off (decreased) from collect fee screen.
- The fine amount should be greater than 0 in order to create any kind of fine.
- Late fine/Cheque bounce fine can’t be paid alone without any fee type instalment payment.
Late Fine
It is automatically charged according to the mapping defined for the student dues for which the due date has passed.
Dependency of Late Fine with other screens
- Student Fee Dues: When a late fine is deleted, the student fee dues for which this fine was yet to be collected will be recalculated accordingly. However, already collected late fines before the deletion aren’t reversed back.
- Student Fee Category:
- In case of Student-fee category change, late fines that are yet to be collected but levied according to the old fee structure are removed and any new late fines based on the new fee structure are levied on the student.
- Already paid late fines while changing the Student-fee category are neither refunded nor reallocated.
- Fee Types and Fee Instalments: Late fines go hand in hand with fee types/fee instalments. They are levied on student fee dues in case of fee payment delay, if applicable when their corresponding fee type/instalment are mapped to them.
- Collect Fee:
- Instalment based late fine should be paid completely before paying any fee dues of that instalment from ‘collect fee screen’.
- In case of partial payments for a fee type instalment, late fines are applied for every collection until the fee type instalment is fully paid.
- If the late fine amount is updated after a fee type instalment is partially paid, for all the future collections of this fee until being fully paid, the updated amount of fine will be applied to the student every time the collection is done.
Logics for Late Fine Calculation:
- Fixed Amount: A fixed amount that is charged on the selected instalment/fee type.
- Fixed Percentage: A fixed percentage of the instalment selected (of all the mapped classes) that is charged.
- Day-wise Amount: A fixed amount that is levied on a daily basis.
- Slab Amount: Different amounts that can be charged for different time periods specified.
- Slab Percentage: Different percentages of the instalments/fee selected can be charged for the different time periods specified .
Uses Cases: Late fine Mapping:
- While creating a new late fine,
- You cannot map it to the classes or fee types/fee instalments which are already mapped to an existing late fine.
- Irrespective of the mappings of this fine, it won’t be levied on the students for whom the mapped fee type/instalment has already been collected without this/with some other fine.
- If there is any change in the instalment dates, the late fines which are yet to be collected will be recalculated according to the new dates.
- If the fine is created under fee instalment configuration, you can map it according to classes or instalment. Both the methods are ultimately the same with fine being allotted against the class-instalment combination. Two methods are just given for the ease of allocation. Fines once assigned according to ‘classes’ method can’t be changed to ‘instalment’ method and vice versa.
- If the fine is created under fee type configuration, you can map it according to classes or fee types. Both the methods are ultimately the same with fine being allotted against the class-fee type combination. Two methods are just given for the ease of allocation. Fines once assigned according to ‘classes’ method can’t be changed to ‘fee type’ method and vice versa.
- If a mapping is removed, the unpaid fines are also removed for the students of unmapped fee types/instalment. However, for students who have already paid the fines, no reversal/refund of fines would happen.
Cheque bounce fine:
- It is imposed on paid fees for which the cheque status is marked as ‘bounced/bounced PR’ in the cheque handling status page (Collect fee).
- Only a fixed amount can be charged as cheque bounce fine.
- Only one cheque bounce fine can be created for a particular class which will be applicable to all fee types/instalments for that class.
- Cheque bounce fine deletion is not allowed once it is levied (even when not collected) on a student from any of its mapped classes.
Dependency of cheque bounce fine on other screens:
- Student Fee Category:
- Pending cheque bounce fines are still supposed to be paid even in case of student-fee category change.
- Paid cheque bounce fines are neither reallocated nor refunded during student-fee category change.
- Collect Fee:
- Cheque Handling status: Every time a cheque is marked as bounced, cheque bounce fine will be levied independently of any future status of the cheque.
- Cheque bounce fine can be paid partially.
- If cheque bounce fine amount is updated when there exist a partially paid cheque bounce fine for a student, the amount won’t be revised for such a student.
- While creating a new late fine,
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