Generate Fee Challan Overview > Fee > Generate Fee Challan Initial Fields Selection: You can generate fee challans by selecting the academic session, class-section and fee types for which the challan has to be generated. Fee type can be selected only after selecting the class-section. Challans can be generated for dues of previous, current, future academic sessions but the valid up to date of the challan has to be the current date or a future date. Fee type can be selected only after selecting the class and section. Fee type selection is disabled when the fine configuration is set to ‘Installment based’ in the fine settings screen and by default, all the fee types are selected. This is because If challan is not generated for all the fee types at the same time, the system would be confused when to add this fine and fines can end up getting added many no. of times in this case. Installment based fine should be paid completely before paying any fee dues of that instalment. In this case, since the previously generated challan can be discarded for several reasons the system wouldn’t know whether to add the instalment based fines again or not and there can be discrepancies. Since the fee type based fines are added against each fee type this problem won’t be faced and individual fee type selection can be done in this case. Challans can be generated for selected months, instalments or for a date range. Additional Fields: You can order the challans as they appear in PDF either student-wise or month-wise (applicable when PDFs are downloaded using their respective batch IDs). The Students option can be selected if you want all the challans for a student (in the batch) to be placed consecutively. The Months option can be selected if you want the challans of the selected students for the same month to be placed consecutively. If the ‘date range’ radio button is selected, the above options will not appear. Since a single challan is generated for the entire date range for a student, it will automatically be arranged student wise. ‘Valid upto’ option gives a provision to edit the date up to which the challan is accepted or valid for payment. The bank to which the payment has to be made against this challan can be chosen from the Bank Name. Generation: To generate challan for an individual student, click on GENERATE option against the name of the student. For a bulk generation, select the names of the desired students and click on GENERATE ALL at the top of the list. A pop-up indicating the initiation of the challan generation appears on the screen. You will receive a notification once the process is completed. Challans generated for all the academic sessions will be available in Challan History in Admin Login, Parent Login (Web and Mobile App). Was this article helpful to you? Yes3 No3 Related Posts:How can I verify and adjust the fee structure copied…How can I reconcile differences between the fee…How can I verify the accuracy of the fee collection…How can I generate an offer letter for the staff?How can I collect fee using Dynamic QR Code feature?How can I modify the fee structure when there is a…