Historical Fee Due Report Overview

  • This reports give detailed report on the fee due list of students of selected class as on the selected date
  • Filters Explanation:
    1. Date Selection: Fee due of the students will be shown according to the date selected in this filter.
      1. For ex: If the current day date is 2nd March 2019, so if the same is selected in the filter, dues will be shown as on the current date
      2. If the current day date is 2nd March 2019, and the user selects 15th February 2019 or for that matter any previous date, dues will be shown according to dues on that date
      3. Any fee collection or fee cancellation done after the selected date in the filter, will not be taken into consideration while displaying the fee dues on that date
    2. If the filter is kept based on Fee type, then fee amount due against the fee type would be shown for all the students
    3. If the filter is kept based on Installment, then fee amount due against the installments would be shown for all the students
  • Fee amount specific information:
    1. Fee amount shown against a fee type or installment would be equal to (Fee amount – Concession already allocated)

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