How can a teacher create a question paper from his/her questions on platform?

Menu > Teacher Workspace > Home > Select a course

  1. Click Library on yellow strip
  2. Click + button on right bottom corner.
  3. Click ‘Create Resource’ it will open creation tools pop-pup window.
  4. Click Collection. It creates multi-chapter & parameter static test.
  5. Fill details, instructions and click Next.
  6. Fill Details.
  7. Choose Criteria(question distribution based on difficulty/bloom’s taxonomy).
  8. Choose Scope (Chapters or concepts for test).
  9. Check Advanced to get Activity-based question (fill in the blanks, match the following etc.)
  10. Click Next.
  11. Review the Questions.
  12. Click Add button.
  13. Search and add your own question and click Next.
  14. Apply a template.
  15. Download the question paper.
  16. Click Done.

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