How can I update the PEN (Permanent Education Number) on the Transfer Certificate (TC)?

Part 1: Create PEN as a Custom Field

Step 1: Navigate to Settings ->Administration -> School Setup.

Step 2: Locate and Click on the Custom Fields.

Step 3: Click the Create button (top-right corner), fill in the required details, and click ADD to save.

For more details on custom field creation, refer to:
πŸ‘‰ [How do I add custom fields?(Updated Flow)]

Part 2: Map the New Field to Student Forms

Step 4: Navigate to Settings -> Student -> Student

Step 5: Locate and Click on Student Form Editor to map the newly added custom field.

Step 6: Choose the appropriate form to include the PEN field:

  1. Add Student Form – Allows users to enter the PEN while adding a new student.
  2. Student 360 Form – Displays and allows editing/updating of PEN for existing students through student profile/360.
  3. Renewal Form – Collects PEN details during student/parent renewal form submission.

πŸ’‘ Recommendation: Map the field in the first two forms for better accessibility.

Part 3: Update PEN Details for Students

Step 7: Update the PEN details using the bulk update template for multiple students.

For more details on using bulk update template for students, refer to:
πŸ‘‰ [How can I update student’s class sections in bulk?]

Part 4: Mapping PEN in the TC Template

Step 8: Before generating the TC, ensure the PEN field has been added to your TC template in NextOS.

For further assistance, contact our support team:
πŸ“§ Email:
πŸ“ž Toll-free: 1800 200 5566

Step 5: Generate TC with PEN

Step 9: Once all the steps are completed, proceed with TC generation to reflect the PEN details on it.

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