How can the user look at the previous and restore the report card design that was edited?

Examination settings->Report card builder->choose the template and click on view icon->Template version history

Key Features:

  1. View History: Users can now access a version history of their report card templates directly from the builder page. This allows them to see all previous versions along with details such as the user who made the changes and the date and time of the update.
  2. Restore Templates: When viewing the version history, users have the option to restore a previous version of their template. Simply select the desired version and click “Restore”. The source code of the template will be updated to reflect the chosen version.

How it Works:

Navigate to the report card builder page.
Access the version history from the designated option.
Select the desired version to preview its template.
Click “Restore” to update the source code with the chosen version.

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