> Staff > Staff List
Employee details can be added to create their respective profiles.
- Click
at the top right corner of the page.
- Select Personal Information tab on the top of the page.
- Fill in the Personal Details of the staff including Name, Date of Birth, Bank Details.
- Select Personal Details of the staff from the drop-down menu including Gender, Blood Group, Marital Status, Nationality, Religion.
- Fill in the Employment Details of the staff including Employee ID, Attendance Code, Account Details, Reporting Person.
If the toggle is turned on against Auto-Generate then there is no need of filling manually, it will automatically fill.
- Select Employment Details of the staff from the drop-down menu including Staff Type, Highest Qualification, Department, Designation, Role, Country, State, Work Location and Nature of Employment.
- Click Upload Signature to upload the signature of the staff member.
The custom fields, if added to the form, will also appear on the page.
- Fill in the Contact Details of the staff including Mobile No., Landline, Email.
- Fill in the Present Address including Address, Pincode.
- Select Present Address details from the drop-down menu including Country, State, City.
- Click checkbox against Same as Present Address, if present and permanent address is the same or fill and select the fields in Permanent Address same as a present address if present and permanent address are not the same.
- Click Save.
- Click Family Details tab on the top of the page.
- Fill in the Father’s, Mother’s, Spouse Details of the staff including Name, Contact No, Occupation and Email.
- Click Save.
The details of the staff member will be added to the system.
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