How to add custom fields?

> School Setup > Custom Fields

Custom fields are the additional fields except for the pre-defined fields. Custom fields can be added for the Student, Staff, Parent, Library Holding, Admission Student or Admission Parent.

  1. Click to add a new custom field. The new popup window will appear.
  2. Select checkbox against Student, Staff, Parent, Library Holding, Admission Student orĀ  Admission Parent for whom the custom field will applicable.
  3. Mark Yes or No by selecting the checkcircle against it to make the custom field mandatory.
  4. Select Type (EX. Text, Paragraph) of the custom field from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter Name for the custom field.
  6. Click Add. The custom field will be added and shown on the page including Name, Type, Applicable For and Mandatory.


  • Click to edit the created custom field.
  • Click to delete the created custom field.

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