> Library > Holding location
Holdings, identified by the accession numbers, are placed in various racks, shelves in the library. Such locations and sublocations can be spotted through the codes assigned to it.
- Click
at the right corner of the screen. The text box to enter the location and location code appears.
- Enter the Location and Location Code.
Location Codes can be an alphanumeric code. - Click
against the location text box to add sublocation to the location added. A text box appears to enter the sublocation name and its location code.
- Enter the name of the sublocation and its location code.
- Click
against the sublocation text box to add sublocations to the already created sublocations. A text box appears below the already added sublocation.
- Enter the name of the sublocation and its location code of the already created sublocation.
- You can only create two levels of sublocations to the location.
- You can create as many sublocations at the same level.
- The location or sublocation can be deleted at any point by clicking the
against the text field.
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