How to add sibling?

In case you have a sibling, you can activate 2 students under same login account.  Please follow the below steps
Sign up using a mobile number by filling in details of first student 
Use the scanner in Curriculum tab to activate the next lab course for him/her. 
Now,If you try to activate nextlab course of another grade, app will prompt to add a sibling.
Alternatively, click on dropdown shown near the student name in the home tab to view profiles and add a new profile 
Now, app will ask you to fill in the details of the 2nd student
At the end of it, You will be logged in to the profile of 2nd student
You can now activate the nextlab course of 2nd student using same scanner
You can switch between the profiles anytime using the dropdown shown near the student name. 
When you login newly, the app will prompt a choice to choose one of the profile to login

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