How to add student’s details manually?

 > Student > Student List

  1. Click at the top right corner of the page.
    There are four steps to add students details:

General Information

  1. Fill in the Student Details including Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Admission No. Admission Date, Class, Section, Nationality, Religion.
    By default, the current date would be selected as an admission date or manually admission date can be selected.
  2. Turn on the toggle against the Auto Numbering, if required, or manually fill in the desired admission number.
    If the toggle is turned on against Autonumbering, then the admission number will be filled in as per the series created.
    REFER: How to create an autonumber series for student certificates? 
  3. Click the checkcircle against Yes, if you have any siblings in the same school.
  4. Fill in the Father’s Details of the student including Salutation, Name and Mobile No.
  5. Fill in the Mother’s Details of the student including Salutation, Name and Mobile No.
  6. Turn on the toggle against the Employee of School, if required.
  7. The pop-up window to select the Department will appear, select the department and click Continue.
    If the toggle is turned on against Employee of School, then automatically the details of the father or mother will be filled.
  8. Click Quick Add (Saving student details with minimal data) or Save & Next.

Student Information

  1. Fill in the Personal Details of the student including Name, Date of Birth and Birth Place.
  2. Select Personal Details of the student from the drop-down menu including Gender, Nationality, Mother Tongue, Religion, Category, Caste and Sub Caste.
  3. Fill in the Academic Details of the student including Admission No., Admission Date, Roll Number and Attendance Code.
  4. Select Academic Details of the student from the drop-down menu including Class, Section and Language.
  5. Fill in the Contact Details including Mobile No. and  Email ID.
  6. Fill in the Present Address.
  7. Select Country, State and City from the drop-down menu in Present Address.
  8. Fill in the Previous School Details of the student including School Name, Percentage Achieved, Reason for Withdrawal.
  9. Select Previous School Details of the student from the drop-down menu including Board, Passing Out Class, Year of Attendance.
  10. Turn on the toggle against Evidence of Learning Disability, Any Serious Disease or Incident, Any Previous Disciplinary Issues, Person With Disability in Miscellaneous Details, as required.
  11. Click Save & Next.

Parent and Guardian Information

  1. Fill in the Father’s Details of the student including Name, Contact No., Email, Date of Birth, Organisation, Designation, Annual Income, Address and  Pincode. 
  2. Select Father’s Details of the student from the drop-down menu including Education, Occupation, Country, State and City.
  3. Fill in the Mother’s Details of the student including Name, Contact no, Address, Email, Date of Birth, Organisation, Designation, Annual Income and  Pincode.
  4. Select Mother’s Details of the student from the drop-down menu including Education, Occupation, Country, State and City.
  5. Fill in the Local Guardian’s Details of the student including Name, Contact No., Address and Pincode.
  6. Select Local Guardian’s Details of the student from the drop-down menu including Relation, Country, State and City. 
  7. Fill in the Legal Guardian’s Details of the student including Name, Contact No., Address and Pincode.
  8. Select Legal Guardian’s Details of the student from the drop-down menu including Relation, Country, State and City.
    Use  to edit the details at any point and click  to save the details.
    The fields displayed on the form can be customised from  > Student > Student Form Editor. You may also make the desired fields mandatory.
    REFER: How to show or hide fields in student form?

Documents Upload

  1. Click  to upload the documents.
  2. Enter Document Name.
  3. Select Type of Document from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Browse to select the document.
  5. Click Upload to upload the document of the student, the student details with documents will be added to the system.

The student details will be added to the system after the completion of the above steps.


  • Click to view and quick edit the given fields of the student on the student’s profile page.
    PATH:  > Student > Student List > Student Profile
  • Click Documents, click  to upload the files, the pop-up window will appear to fill in the Document name field and select the Type of the document from the drop-down menu, click Browse to select the file from the system and then click Upload to upload the document.
  • Click Medical Details, click  to edit the medical details then click  to save the details.
  • Click Houses & Groups to view the houses and groups details of the student.
  • Click Subjects to view the assigned class teacher, subject teachers details of the student.
  • Click ID Card to view the ID Card of the student.


