How to configure general settings?

> Front Office > General Settings

General settings such as OTP settings for Visit and Exit Management can be done. OTP window for Visitors and Exit person can be enabled or disabled.   

  1. Turn on the toggle against Enable/Disable OTP for visitors in OTP settings for visit management.
    Enabling of toggle means the OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number of the visitor.
  2. Turn on the toggle against Enable/Disable OTP for the parent as escort person in OTP settings for exit management.
    Enabling of toggle means the OTP will be sent to the parent of the person who wants to exit.
  3. Turn on the toggle against Enable/Disable OTP for others as escort person in OTP settings for exit management. Select checkcircle against Primary contact of the student or Escort person to whom the OTP should be sent.
    Enabling of toggle means the OTP will be sent to the primary contact of the student or the person with whom the student is leaving.
  4. Turn on the toggle against Enable/Disable OTP for self escort in OTP settings for exit management.
    In this situation, the OTP will be sent to the primary contact of the student.

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