How to configure leave encashment settings?

> Leave > Leave Encashment

Staff members can encash their leaves. Apply encashment and approve encashment windows can be set here. Within the respective windows, a request to encash leaves can be raised and approvals can be granted for such requests. Leave encashment link will be enabled for staff for the duration selected employees will be able to request for leave encashment only in this duration. Leave encashment link will be enabled for staff/admin for the duration selected. Admin/HR will be able to request for leave encashment only in this duration.

  • Select From and To dates for leave encashment request.
    From date has to be atleast 15 days less than the leave calendar end date.
    To date has to be atleast 10 days less than the leave calendar end date.
  • Select From and To dates for processing of leave encashment requests.
    From date has to be atleast 10 days less than the leave calendar end date.
    To date has to be atleast 5 days less than the leave calendar end date.
  • Click Save.


If leave encashment settings are enabled then leave type and assign leave page will not be accessible within the time period.

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