> Examination > Marks Entry Labels
Marks entry labels are used during marks entry to handle special cases.
- Click
to add a new label.
- Enter the Condition for the special case in a few words (Example: Half day).
- Enter the Short Name by which you want to identify the label. Only letters not exceeding the character limit of four can be entered.
- Select a Master Condition to which the condition is to be considered. Absent and Don’t Consider are provided for selection. Marks are calculated as per the master condition selected.
- Enter a brief Description of the condition.
- Click Create.
1. By default, Absent and Don’t Consider labels are provided.
- The absent label can be used if the student has not appeared for the exam, and the examiner wants to assign zero marks to the student for that particular activity/subject.
- Don’t consider is the case when the examiner doesn’t want the marks of that particular activity/rubric to be considered during the percentage calculation for the particular student.
2. The short name of a created marks entry labels can be edited but not the parent condition.
3. Deletion is only possible if the label has not been used for marks entry anywhere.
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