> Timetable > Teacher Substitution Settings
Teachers can be substituted either Manually and Automatically. There’s a list of rules, set in a priority order, which are provided based on which teachers are substituted. The following are the criteria.
- Substitute any free subject teacher,
- Substitute teacher of different subjects of the same class,
- Substitute any free teacher,
- Substitute teacher of the same subject of the same class,
- Substitute teacher of the same subject of a different class.
By default, the setting is set to Manual. Hence, in order to substitute teachers, the user should manually select the teachers to substitute the absentee or the unavailable teacher of the day from > Timetable > Timetable Dashboard > Substitutions.
The substitution can be set to Automatic to get rid of the manual work of substituting each teacher everytime.
- Click
to edit the teacher substitution settings.
- Select checkcircle against Automatic as the substitution type.
The user can still manually select the teacher for substitution.
- Set the daily cut off time by clicking on this icon
at which the teacher substitution should happen automatically based on the staff attendance recorded till this time either by providing biometric attendance or by manually marking attendance. Applied leaves before this time will also be taken into consideration when the substitution has happened.
The attendance after this time will never be considered for the substitution. In such a case, the user has to manually substitute the teacher. - Select the priority order of the substitution for the automatic substitution.
The teacher under the top rule will substitute the absent and on-leave teacher. If no teacher falls under rule 1, a teacher under rule 2 will be considered, and if no teacher falls under rule 2 then, rule 3 teachers and similarly it goes on.
The automatic substitution will ignore the teachers who have already been substituted today.
- Select the daily report time at which the selected recipients will get the teacher substitution report to inform the recipients which teachers were substituted by which teachers.
- Click ADD STAFF to select the recipients. The pop-up window will appear.
- Search the name of the teacher or select a Department from the drop-down menu which is set to All departments by default. The list of the teachers will appear.
- Select check circle against the teacher’s name.
- Click ADD. The teacher will be added as a recipient.
- Click SAVE.
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