> Timetable > Timetable Dashboard > Substitutions
The teacher can be replaced with any teacher if the teacher is absent, or present but is unavailable in the period for some reason, or if the teacher has to be permanently substituted for her/his period.
On following the path above for substituting, the landing screen is under the ABSENT TEACHER tab on the top of the page. The list of the absent teachers of the present will be displayed.
- Click the down arrow
on the right side of the desired teacher name’s card.
The list of her/his teaching periods will be displayed. - Select the Teacher for each period to be substituted.
The teacher will be shown automatically selected if the Automatic substitution type is selected in the Teacher Substitution Settings (Timetable settings > Teacher Substitution Settings). - Click Auto Substitute to substitute the teacher automatically based on the priority rules set in the Teacher Substitution Settings.
- Click SAVE.
- Click NOTIFY ME to send the substitution alerts to the absentee and the substitute teacher.
To substitute a present teacher who is unavailable at some of her/his periods for some reason, go to the PRESENT TEACHER tab on the top of the page.
- Select the teacher either by directly searching the name by clicking on this icon
or select the Department and Teacher from the selection fields provided below the yellow header bar.
- Click the down arrow
on the right side of the desired teacher name’s card.
The list of her/his teaching periods will be displayed. - Select the Teacher for each period to be substituted.
The teacher will be shown automatically selected if the Automatic substitution type is selected in the Teacher Substitution Settings (> Timetable > Teacher Substitution Settings).
- Click Auto Substitute to substitute the teacher automatically based on the priority rules set in the Teacher Substitution Settings.
- Click SAVE.
- Click NOTIFY ME to send the substitution alerts to the selected teacher and the substitute teacher.
To permanently substitute a teacher from his periods, go to the PERMANENT SUBSTITUTION tab on the top of the page.
- Select the teacher either by directly searching the name by clicking on this icon
or select the Department and Teacher from the selection fields provided below the yellow header bar.
- Select Class-Section-Subject for which you wish to substitute the teacher.
- Select checkbox against Select all Periods to select all the periods to assign another teacher.
- Click Assign to assign the class-section-subject to the teacher. The pop-up window will appear to select the free teacher.
- Select Department from the drop-down menu.
- Select checkbox against Show only available teachers.
- Select the teacher from the given teacher’s list.
- Click CONFIRM. The teacher will be substituted.
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