How to create a test on Next Assessment?

Menu > Teacher Workspace > Home > Select a course

  1.  Click Question Bank on top of the page.
  2. Click + button on right bottom corner. It will open creation tools pop-up window.
  3.  Click Collection. It creates multi-chapter and parameter static test.
  4. Fill details and instructions and click Next.
  5. Fill the details.
  6. Choose Criteria.  (Questions distribution based on difficulty/bloom’s taxonomy.
  7. Choose Scope. (Chapters or concepts for test).
  8. Check Advanced to get Activity-based question (Fill in the blanks, match the following etc.)
  9. Click Next.
  10. Review the Questions.
  11.  Add/ Delete or Change questions.
  12.  Click Next.
  13. Apply a template.
  14.  Download the question Paper.
  15.  Click Done.

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