> School Setup > User Account Management
- For Student Accounts, click Student to create an account for students. The next window will appear.
- Select Class and Section from the drop-down menu. The list of the students will appear.
- Click Create All Accounts on the right side of the page. The pop-up window will appear.
- Select Class from the drop-down menu.
- Enter Password. Click Create Now, the account will be created for the students.
- For Parent Accounts, click Parent to create an account for parents.
- Select Class and Section from the drop-down menu. The list of the will appear whose accounts need to be created in Not Created.
- Select desired Student and click Create Account the account will be created. The activated accounts who are pending will display in Activation Pending. Click Remind to remind them to activate their accounts.
- Click Activate tab to view the activated accounts.
- Click Insufficient Information to view the accounts whose information is incomplete. Click Edit to edit the information.
- Click Complaints tab to view the accounts who have complaints regarding mismatch of their child DOB.
- For Staff Accounts, click Staff to create an account for staff. The next window will appear.
- Select Department from the drop-down menu. The list of the staff will appear whose accounts are not created in Not Created.
- Select desired Staff and click Create Account the account will be created. The activated accounts who are pending will display in Activation Pending. Click Remind to remind them to activate their accounts.
- Click Activate tab to view the activated accounts.
- Click Insufficient Information to view the accounts whose information is incomplete. Click Edit to edit the information.
Click to download the list of Student, Staff or Parent.