How to create an autonumber series for student certificates?

 > Student > Autonumber Settings

Number series for various certificates like Bonafide, Character, Transfer etc can be defined for the students. Series can be created to define the number series to certificates for the students.

  1. Click  to add the new series.
  2. Enter Series Name.
  3. Enter Prefix and Suffix to the series
  4. Enter the Starting Number (the number from which the series will start).
  5. Select the certificate type from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select any of the option from Current and All Sessions. By clicking on the All Sessions option, the series will be applied for all academic sessions.
  7. Click Create.

The autonumbering series will be created.


  1. Click  to edit the series or click the template to edit the details.
  2. Click  to delete the series.