How to edit or view the student’s profile?

 > Student > Student List

All the details related to the student can be viewed and edited at a place.

  1. Select Class and Section from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Active or Inactive to see active or inactive students details.
    Active students are the students who are currently studying in school. Inactive students are the students who have left school.
  3. Select the suitable option against Students With Disabilities field.
  4. Click the required student’s name from the list (Ex. XYZ) to see the student’s profile.
  5. Turn on/off the toggle to make the student active or inactive.
  6. Click View More in Student’s Details to edit or view the student’s details. The Student details page appears.
  7. Select Student, Parent, Guardian, Sibling tab on the top of the page to edit or view the details.

Click  to edit the details of student, parent, guardian, sibling

