How to generate barcode for holdings?

> Library Management > Generate Barcode

Barcodes can be generated and downloaded for holdings. Barcode can be generated in bulk and as well as individually.
Select a method by which you wish to generate the barcode

Bulk Generation

  1. Select Bulk Generation on the top of the page.
  2. Select Holding Type from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter Accession No. in From and To fields to sort the holdings according to their accession no. The list with Holding Name, Type, Accession no. and barcode will be displayed.
  4. Click to download the single barcode. The pop-up window will appear to select the Configuration of the Barcode Sheet from the drop-down menu and enter No. of Slots Already Printed, as required and click Preview to view the alignment of the barcodes on the sheet and click Download.
  5. Select desired holdings and click to download in bulk. The pop-up window will appear to select the Configuration of the Barcode Sheet from the drop-down menu and enter No. of Slots Already Printed and click Download.

Quick Generation

  1. Select Quick Generation on the top of the page. The new window will appear to customize the barcode.
  2. Enter Barcode.
  3. Click Download. The pop-up window will appear to select the Configuration of the Barcode Sheet from the drop-down menu and enter No. of Slots Already Printed, as required and click Preview to view the alignment of the barcodes on the sheet and click Download.

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