More than one account can be managed at a time. There are some settings to manage the settings for the accounts. Personal information like Email, Mobile and Password can be verified or updated.
- Click the icon on the top right-most corner of the page. The pop-up window will appear to select Manage Accounts.
- Click Manage Accounts in the pop-up window. The next window will appear to verify or update the Email, Mobile and Password.
- Click Verify against Email to verify the email which has already there.
- Click Update next to verify to update the email. The new window will appear to enter the password to proceed further.
- Click Verify against Mobile Number to verify the mobile number.
- Click Update to update the Mobile Number. The next window will appear to update the mobile number. Enter Password to proceed further.
- Click Change Password to change the password. The new window will appear to enter the password for confirmation. Click Proceed.
- The new window will appear to enter a New Password.
Points to remember:- Use atleast 8 characters.
- It should include Alphabets, Numbers and Special Characters (EX: @, #, $, %, &).
- Allowed special characters (EX: Next@123).
- Don’t use a password from another site or something too obvious like your pet’s name.
- Enter New Password. Click Proceed.