How to manage more than one account?

More than one account can be managed at a time. There are some settings to manage the settings for the accounts. Personal information like Email, Mobile and Password can be verified or updated.

  1. Click the icon on the top right-most corner of the page. The pop-up window will appear to select Manage Accounts.
  2. Click Manage Accounts in the pop-up window. The next window will appear to verify or update the Email, Mobile and Password.
  3. Click Verify against Email to verify the email which has already there.
  4. Click Update next to verify to update the email. The new window will appear to enter the password to proceed further.
  5. Click Verify against Mobile Number to verify the mobile number.
  6. Click Update to update the Mobile Number. The next window will appear to update the mobile number. Enter Password to proceed further.
  7. Click Change Password to change the password. The new window will appear to enter the password for confirmation. Click Proceed.
  8. The new window will appear to enter a New Password.
    Points to remember:

    • Use atleast 8 characters.
    • It should include Alphabets, Numbers and Special Characters (EX: @, #, $, %, &).
    • Allowed special characters (EX: Next@123).
    • Don’t use a password from another site or something too obvious like your pet’s name.
  9. Enter New Password. Click Proceed.
