How to provisionally promote the students?

> Student >  Student Provisional Promotion

Students can be temporarily promoted to the next academic session. Class-wise (Bulk Promotion) or Student-wise the student’s can be temporarily promoted to the next academic session.

  1. Select Transaction tab on the top of the page.
  2. Select check-circle against Class-wise Provisional Promotion or Student-wise Provisional Promotion to provisionally promote the student.


  • If Class-wise Provisional Promotion is selected then the whole class can be promoted to the next session.
  1. Select check-circle against the class in the current session.
  2. Select the Class from the drop-down menu in the next session. 
  3. Click PROVISIONALLY PROMOTE to provisionally promote the student to the next session.
  • If Student-wise Provisional Promotion is selected then the individual student can be provisionally promoted to the next session.
  1. Select Class and Section from the drop-down menu in current class and section. 
  2. Select Class and Section from the drop-down menu in Provisionally Promoting To against student’s name.
  3. Click PROVISIONALLY PROMOTE to provisionally promote the student to the next session.

The student will be provisionally promoted to the new academic session.
