How to validate the Email ID?

> School Setup > Email ID Validation

Email ID needs to be validated for the student, parent and staff for communication. By default, the page will be shown with student, parent and staff section with the count of valid, invalid and pending email ID.

  1. Select Student, Parent or Staff to validate the email ID for the desired person. The new window will appear with the valid, invalid and pending email ID.
    If Student is selected then select Class and Section from the drop-down menu.
    If Staff is selected then select Department from the drop-down menu.
    If Parent is selected then select Class and Section from the drop-down menu. 
  2. Select Valid tab to view the valid email ID.
  3. Select Invalid tab to view the invalid email ID. Click Update to validate the email ID.
  4. Select Pending tab to view the email ID needs to be validated. Click Validate to validate the email ID.

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