This page lists the cumulative marks/grades secured in the final term of the students. On this page, you can
- View marks at the annual subject level
- Allot grace marks
- Assign supplementary exam
How to use:
- Allotting grace marks,
- Grace marks must be awarded only after the publication of the last term exam results of the academic session.
Grace marks that are added in a term will be restored to 0 after the publication of the exam results in the next term results. - Click on the marks of the subject desired, to add grace marks to that subject.
- Total marks of the student can never exceed the maximum marks of the subject while adding grace marks.
- Grace marks can only be added to the subjects and not to the overall marks of the student.
- Awarding grace marks can elevate the failed status of the students’ performance to that of passing.
- Grace marks must be awarded only after the publication of the last term exam results of the academic session.
- Assign supplementary exam
- The school can either assign the supplementary exams automatically at the time of publishing exam results or manually assign supplementary exam to those students who have failed in the exam.
- To manually assign supplementary exam, click on the SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMS tab, and select the subject in which the student has failed.
- An extra term is created in the hierarchy by the name of supplementary exams. Assessments can be prepared here to conduct exams for the supplementary exams. Marks against subjects can be entered here.
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