Pass/Fail Remarks Overview

  1. Marks can be set here for the students who pass, fail or appear for the supplementary exam.
  2. Advanced settings can be defined for the pass/fail condition.
  3. Remarks are assigned to the student based on the final result.
  4. If the student passes, the remarks corresponding to failure are assigned.
  5. If the student fails, the remarks corresponding to failure are assigned.
  6. In case the student passes when grace marks are allotted, the remarks against grace marks are assigned. If the student still fails when grace marks are allotted, the remarks against failure are assigned.
  7. If the student is assigned for the supplementary exam, the remarks corresponding to supplementary will be assigned.
  8. In case a student is assigned to the supplementary exam in one subject and fails in another subject, then it is considered failed.
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