Paid Fee Certificate Overview

> Fee > Paid Fee Certificate Template

  • You can select suitable fee certificate templates from the template options provided and map them to classes while creating a new fee certificate. This certificate can be downloaded from the download fee certificate page.
  • It is available in A4 size.
  • The fee certificate template includes basic student information and the payment details of the respective student when generated.
  • The auto-numbering sequence can be selected from the list of sequences available according to the auto-numbering sequence settings done.
  • If no sequence is created and mapped for fee certificate, the templates mapping can’t be completed. To avoid such cases, the user should always complete the auto-numbering sequence settings before trying to set any templates.
  • You can modify the certificate autonumbering sequence and class mapping for an existing certificate template.
  • A class can have only one fee certificate template mapped to it, and if mapped to a new template, the previous mapping will be removed automatically.
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