Paybands Overview

  • Paybands are used to define the range of basic salary given to a different group of staff members.
  • Basic salary is a mandatory salary component received by staff which should always lie in the range of payband allocated to the staff.
  • Basic functionality includes 4 features:
    1. Create Payband
      1. Payband name and code has to be unique for all the active paybands.
      2. Start and end amount (both being inclusive in the range), would be taken as the upper and lower limit of the range of payband.
      3. All the above fields are mandatory while creating paybands.
      4. Range of multiple paybands (inactive/active) are allowed to be overlapping with each other.
      5. All the paybands upon creation are by default set to an active state.
    1. Edit Payband
      1. For inactive paybands, editing is not allowed.
      2. Payband name and code can be edited for payband in active state, provided it still remains unique.
      3. Editing of start and end amount of an active payband is only allowed until salary register for none of the staff mapped to it is frozen.
      4. Changing start & end amount of a payband, will delete the already created salary structure & register of those staff members, for which, basic salary amount given, doesn’t lie in the new range of payband.
      5. No editing is allowed for paybands in inactive state.
    1. Delete Payband
      1. In order to delete a payband the user has to first unallocate all the staff in that payband.
      2. If salary register of a staff is frozen his/her payband can’t be changed and hence such paybands can’t be deleted.
      3. Once deleted, a payband can’t be revived, although a new payband with the same name & code can be created.
    1. Deactivate Payband
      1. A payband can be deactivated in case the user no longer wants it to be available for mapping of staff.
      2. In order to deactivate a payband the user has to first unallocate all the staff in that payband.
      3. If salary register of a staff is frozen, his/her payband can’t be changed and hence such paybands can’t be deactivated.
      4. The user can however activate any deactivate payband at any given point and allocate staff to it.
      5. For inactive paybands, editing is not allowed.
      6. There can exist a payband in inactive state with the same code & name as that of an active payband.

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