Student Ledger Report Overview

  • This reports give detailed report on all the transactions that have happened for a student in the selected date range
  • Filters Explanation:
    1. Date range filters would show all the transactions that have happened in the selected date range
    2. In addition to that, academic session can be selected to see the fee transactions happened for a particular session in the selected date range
    3. Student Status filter can help search a student faster
  • General Account
    1. All the transactions go through general account
    2. It acts like a gateway through which the money comes in when it is collected and goes out when it is reallocated to the fee dues or fines for which they were collected
  • Fee Due Account
    1. In fee due account, fee dues are only posted at the date when they become due
    2. When a fee type installment is due, at the start date, the student fee due account is debited with the amount of that fee due
    3. Any payment for a due fee type installment is a credit in fee due account
    4. 0 balance of this account shows that no fee due is pending for which the start date has already arrived
    5. Negative balance of this account, shows that some or all fee type installments which are already due are still unpaid
    6. It can’t have positive balance
  • Fine Account
    1. Fine account will have both credit and debit entries at the same time
    2. According to NLP nomenclature, due fines are only posted at the time of payment, as the fine amount might change on a daily basis and ledger entries are never updated
    3. So fines are posted only at the time of payment
    4. At any given point of time, the balance of this account will be 0
  • Reserved Account
    1. When fee is collected for future fee type installments, whose start date are yet to arrive, are reallocated to this account
    2. Since in fee due account, dues are only posted when start date arrives, until then the money collected towards future installments, stay as a positive balance in this account
    3. As soon as the start date of the fee due arrives, a debit entry is posted in fee due account, and the money is transferred from reserved account(debit entry) to fee due account (credit entry)
    4. This account can only have either positive balance or 0 balance
  • Column specific information:
    1. It is a standard student fee ledger report
    2. You can see all the debit/credit transactions that has happened in the selected date range, and the current balance of the student
    3. Transaction type column states the information of why the entry was made
    4. Reference number column gives the information of the receipt in which the fee due was collected through NLP

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