Subjects can be tagged to classes here. The page has a default subject list with 100+ subjects. The user can create new subjects if the desired subjects are not found. Selecting a class will display the subjects tagged to that class.
The fields used in the page are described below:
- Name: The title by which the subject will be referred to
- Short Name: A Three-character representation of the subject
- Master Subject: The master category with which the subject can be tagged to
- Tag classes: Tags the classes with the subject
- Mandatory: A switch that allows making a subject mandatory or optional
- Active: A subject that is active will be used in marks calculation. Making a subject inactive will hide it from the marks calculation and Report Card.
- Tag: A subject can be added to the classes by selecting them.
- Edit: All the properties of subjects can be modified here.
- Delete: Subject can be removed from the list.