What is Bank-Fee mapping?

    • All the banks created under bank details will be available for class mapping.
    • A class can be mapped to only one bank account.
    • A fee type can be mapped to only one bank account.
    • An instalment can be mapped to only one bank account.
    • You can choose the manual or automatic option for bank fee mapping from the Settings option.Manual Method:
    • If the manual method is selected, bank-fee mapping can be done directly from the collect fee page. Destination Bank can be chosen for every fee transaction done.
    • In the manual method, for all the fee types and fines being collected for a student in a single fee collection, the user can choose only one destination bank.

      Automatic Method:

    • For the automatic method, select an option from ‘fee type’, ‘class’ or ‘class and fee type’ to map it to the bank. This mapping will be automatically reflected in the collect fee page.
      1. Fee Type:
        1. Fee Type: It allows the user to select the fee types, Cheque Bounce Fine and Installment fines (For all the classes they exist) to be mapped to banks.
        2. Class & Fee Type: It allows the user to map different fee types, Cheque Bounce Fine & Installment fines of every class to be mapped to any bank of their choice.
      2. Instalment:
        1. Instalment: It allows the user to select the different Installments, Adhoc Fees & Cheque Bounce Fine (for all the classes they exist) to be mapped to banks.
        2. Class & Installment: It allows the user to map different Installments, Adhoc Fees & Cheque Bounce Fine of every class to be mapped to any bank of their choice.
      3. Class:
        1. It allows the user to select the classes(for all fee types and fines that exist for it) to be mapped to banks.
    • Automatic mapping gives the flexibility to the user to prior choose the destination bank for each fee types and fines even when collected in a single fee collection.
    •  In an automatic method, every fee type and fine has to be mapped to an already created bank in order to successfully collect the fee from ‘Collect Fee’ screen.
    • Once a method of mapping is chosen in ‘Automatic Mapping’ it can’t be changed to other methods until all the existing mappings are deleted.
      However, switching from Manual to Automatic method (vice versa) is allowed anytime, and the settings, if any, in the automatic method are disabled and not deleted if the manual method is chosen.