Where to find the recordings of live lectures?

On Computer

  1. Click  on the top left corner of the page.
  2. Select Student Workspace.
  3.  Select Home.
  4. Select the subject in which the live lecture was conducted.
  5. On the Course Details page, select the Session in which the live lecture was conducted.
  6. Click on LIVE LECTURES tab. All the live lecture recordings of the selected session are displayed.
  7. Click View on the required live lecture card.

On Android

  1. Tap Student Workspace on the Home Screen of Next learning Platform App.
  2. Tap Courses option on the next screen.
  3. Select the required Subject and Chapter from the drop-down menu on top of the screen.
  4. Select the required Session in which the live lecture was conducted.
  5. Select the Video icon on the top right corner of the screen. All the live lecture recordings for the selected session are displayed.
  6. Tap the live lecture recording and start watching it.

iPhone & iPad

  1. Tap Student Workspace on the Home Screen of Next learning Platform App.
  2. Tap Courses option on the next screen.
  3. Select the required Subject and Chapter.
  4. Select the required Session.
  5. Select the Video icon on the top right corner of the screen. All the live lecture recordings for the selected session are displayed.
  6. Tap the live lecture recording and start watching it.

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