> Fee > Fee Challan Payment
Filters and Information Displayed:
- Confirmation of fee payment for the challans generated through Generate Fee Challan page can be done here. This will be updated in the Student Fee Due and Collect Fee pages.
- You can search for a student by name, admission number or challan number.
- You can choose the date range in which the challan was generated to display the student list and other details.
- Challan payment can only be made in the academic session of the dues for which the Challan were generated. In order to change the academic session, select the appropriate session from the academic session dropdown.
- The fields in the resulting table are described as below:
- Student Name, Class-Section: Displays the name, class-section of the students for whom challans were generated.
- Challan No. : Displays the unique number of the generated challans allocated as per the predefined auto numbering sequence.
- Amount: Displays the total amount for which the challans were generated.
- Valid Upto: Displays the date until which payment is valid for that challan, as mentioned during the generation of the challan.
Confirm Payment:
- Payment can be confirmed by clicking on the Confirm Payment button against Student Name.
- In the pop-up that appears, you can mention the payment date and the sub- payment mode.
- The payment date should not cross the Valid Up to date. A sub-payment mode, (challan/dd/cheque) by which the challan was paid, has to be mentioned.
- Remarks for the payment can be entered.
- Once the payment for a challan is confirmed, the details of the student are moved to the Paid Challans screen, which can be accessed from the top right corner of the screen.
Dependency on other screens:
- Collect Fee: Payment from ‘Fee Challan Payment’ screen would fail if any of the fee types in the challan is already been paid from collect fee screen through any mode of payment.
- Student Fee Category: In case of student fee category change, ‘confirm payment’ option is disabled for challans that were generated according to the fee structure of old student fee category.
- Fee Concession & Fines: ‘Confirm Payment’ option is disabled for challans after generation of which, new concessions & fines were allocated to the student.
- Fee Challan Settings: Generated challans with the old challan templates are still payable if the fee challan template mapped to student’s class is changed from settings.