Concession Master
- Concessions are granted to students to reduce the amount of fee dues allocated while the student fee structure was defined.
- This can include the scholarships/allowances provided to the students and concessions given out to students belonging to a certain category.
- Student fee concessions can be created from this screen and can be assigned to students using the Assign Concession tab.
One Time Settings:
- By default, the concession method applied for all the created concessions is ‘On Subsequent remaining Amount Method’ but the method can be changed to ‘Total Amount’ method from ‘Fee Collection Settings → General Settings’ screen.
Following is the brief description of both the methods.
In case of multiple concession(more than one) given to a student, the concession would be calculated based on the method chosen by the School. For Example: If a student is first assigned to C1 concession(Logic = Fixed Amount 100) and then assigned to C2 concession(Logic = Percentage 10%) the above methods will behave in the following way:
- ‘On Total Amount’ Method: For fee type instalment of Rs. 1000, C1 will give a concession of Rs. 100(Fixed Amount) on Rs.1000 & C2 will give a concession of Rs.100(10% of 1000) on Rs.1000. So the total concession given out in this method will be Rs.200.
- ‘Subsequent Remaining Amount’ Method: For Fee Type instalment of Rs.1000, since C1 is assigned first, concession given will be Rs.100(Fixed Amount) on Rs.1000 and on the subsequent remaining amount, i.e, Rs.900 C2 concession of Rs.90 (10% of 900) will be given. So the total concession given out, in this case, will be Rs.190.
Dependency on other screens:
- Fee type: If a fee type is deleted/ modified (unmapped or mapped for some classes), mappings for all concessions in concession settings would also be changed accordingly.
- Fee Schedule: If a fee schedule instalment is deleted/ modified (unmapped or mapped for some classes), mappings for all concessions in concession settings would also be changed accordingly.
- Collect Fee:
- The configured concession cannot be decreased during fee collection, the amount has to be changed from this screen if you want to decrease the concession amount.
- However, any predefined concession amount can be increased during fee collection from the ‘Collect Fee’ screen based on School’s need which is known as a run-time concession and won’t be updated in the concession settings.
While creating a new concession:
- Concessions can be defined either for student fee type or fee instalment. In both cases, mapping is done according to classes available in the school.
- Concessions can be added according to two logics: Amount and Percentage.
- In percentage calculation of concession, a definite percentage of fee amount is given out as concession for all the fee types/instalments mapped.
- Fixed Amount: If a concession is chosen to be applicable on fee type and fixed amount of 100 is to be given out as concession, the mapping will be done as follows: A fixed amount of 100 will be given out as concession on the amount of each instalment selected for every fee type of the selected class.
- A concession can be mapped to various classes and fee types just as various concessions can be mapped to a class.
- The maximum amount that can be given as concession is equal to the fee type instalment amount. So, if the concession defined is more than the fee type instalment amount, the maximum concession would be taken as equal to the fee type instalment amount.
- Concession amount should be greater than 0 in order to create any concession.
For an existing concession:
- Changes in mapping can be made to only those instalments/fee types of a concession which are not collected for any of the students assigned to it.
- A concession cannot be deleted until all the students are unallocated from it using the Assign Concession tab.
- The following fields can’t be changed once a concession is created -> Concession Name, Concession Type, Applicable To(Fee Type/Fee instalment), Concession Logic.
- Concession amount can only be changed until the fee collection has not yet started for any concession.
Assigning Concession for students
- You can click on the Assign concession button against the name of the student for whom concession has to be assigned.
- From the dialog box that appears with two columns (available concessions & selected concessions), select the desired concessions from the available concessions and move it to the selected concession.
- Fee instalment-based concession cannot be clubbed with fee type based concession type and vice versa.
- Students who are not allocated any fee category cannot be assigned any fee concession. A concession can be assigned to a student a maximum of one time.
Dependency on other screens:
- Student Fee Category: Fee concessions assigned, if any to a student, would be deleted when you change/ remove the fee category.
- Fee Type: If a fee type is deleted/modified, fee concession assigned to students will also be removed/modified according to the changes in fee type
- Fee Schedule: If a fee schedule instalment is deleted/modified, fee concession assigned to students will also be removed/modified according to the changes in fee schedule instalment.
- Collect Fee: Any concessions will not be assigned for those fee type instalment of a student for which partial/full payment has been done.
- Refund Fee: Concession can’t be added/reversed in case the fee is refunded/partially refunded after collection as dues are not restored during refund process and cancellation can’t be done once refund is initiated.
- Cancel Fee: If the concession is to be assigned to a student for the fees that has already been collected: Cancel the payment, assign the concession and collect fee again.
Unassigning Concession:
- To unassign, a concession, click on Manage Concession button against the name of the student and move the concession back from the selected concession to available concession.
- Concessions can be assigned to multiple students through bulk allocation. However, unassigning of concessions has to be done one by one.
- Unassigning concession post partial fee collection: If fee collection has been done partially for a student with an assigned concession and if you unassign a concession, there won’t be any changes in the payable amount of such fee type instalments.
- Assigning concession post partial fee collection: If fee collection has been done partially for some instalments. It won’t apply to those instalments. The concession would be applicable to only those instalments for which fee collection is yet to be done.
Student Based Allocation tab:
- Multiple students can be assigned a selected concession from this screen based on the class and section selected.
- Select the concession from the drop-down list to be assigned to the students from the list of available concessions for that particular class section.
- Students can also be filtered according to the fee category after the selection of class section, by selecting the desired category from the drop-down menu.
- Students who do not have any fee category allocated to them cannot be assigned any concession.
- Select the students (single or multiple selections) and click on assign concession button to do bulk/single allocation.
- During Bulk allocation, if a concession is being assigned to students of a particular class & all option is selected in ‘Fee Category’ filter, concession will be allocated to the students according to the fee structure settings done for each category. For example,
- If for a class a certain fee type is disabled for any of its fee category, concession won’t be assigned to it.
- If the logic is percentage, concession will be assigned according to different amounts defined for different categories for the mapped fee type/instalment.
- Fee instalment-based concession cannot be grouped with fee type based concession type and vice versa.
- Concessions that are already allocated are also displayed against the names of the students. A concession can be assigned to a student a maximum of one time.
- Fee concessions assigned, if any to a student, would be deleted when you change/ remove the fee category.
- If a fee type is deleted/modified, fee concession assigned to students will also be removed/modified according to the changes in fee type.
- If a fee schedule instalment is deleted/modified, fee concession assigned to students will also be removed/modified according to the changes in fee schedule instalment.
Unassigning Concession:
- To unassign a concession, click on Manage Concession button against the name of the student and move the concession back from the selected concession to available concession.
- Unassigning concession post partial fee collection: If fee collection has been done partially for a student with an assigned concession and if you unassign a concession, there won’t be any changes in the payable amount of such fee type instalments.
- Assigning concession post partial fee collection: If fee collection has been done partially for some instalments. It won’t apply to those instalments. The concession would be applicable to only those instalments for which fee collection is yet to be done.
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