> Front Office > Visit Management
If any of the students want to go outside of the school due to some reasons he/she have to take permission from the authorised person (Front Office Executive, Admin or Principal). The list of the exit requests will be displayed with ExitPerson Name, Pickup Person, Exit ID, Reason and Scheduled Date&Time.
Note: Once the exit pass has been generated for the student/staff, the next exit pass will be generated only after 30 minutes
- Click on the right side of the page to add exit request. The pop-up window will appear.
- Click to select Date.
- Click to select the time to exit.
- Select checkcircle against Student or Staff.
If Staff is selected, the staff member can be searched by his/her Name or Emp ID.
If Student is selected, the student can be searched by his/her Name or Adm No. - Select checkcircle against Parent in Accompanied by. The parent’s name will be displayed. Select checkcircle against parent’s name.
- Select checkcircle against Other in Accompanied by.
- If Other is selected in Accompanied by then click to add visitor. The new pop-up window will appear.
- Enter Visitor Name, Mobile No., and Organization.
- Select ID Type from the drop-down menu.
- Click to take a picture of ID Proof.
- Enter ID Number.
- Click ADD.
- Select checkcircle against Phone, Mail or Other to take permission from parents via these services.
- The other person could be another student’s parent then the person can be searched by Name or Phone Number.
- Select checkcircle against Self in Accompanied by. Select checkcircle against Phone, Mail or Other to take permission from parents via these services.
- Select checkcircle against Sick or Personal for a reason to exit.
- Enter Remarks, if any.
- Click to print the Exit pass. The exit pass will be generated and displayed in PDF format.
- Click to delete the created exit pass records.
- Click to print the exit pass on the top of the page.
- Click to download the exit pass on the top of the page.