> Student > Student Exit Process
TC for the students can be generated in bulk for the students.
- Select EXITED tab on the top of the page.
- Select Class and Section from the drop-down menu. The list will appear on the students who will leave the school.
- Click BULK TC DOWNLOAD to download the TC’s in bulk. The new window will appear to generate the certificate, there are four steps to generate and download the certificate.
Select Class/Section
- Select Class or click to select Section to generate the certificate.
- Click Next. The next window will appear to select the students.
Select Students
- Students list will appear for the selected class and section. Select checkcircle against the name of the students to select the students.
- Click NEXT. The next window will appear to fill the further information.
Fill Information
- Click Download to download the template (excel) to fill the required information of the students.
- Click to upload the excel (with data).
- Turn on the toggle against Same label values for all students, if required. The new window will appear.
- Fill in the Failed Same Class, Qualified Promotion to Class, NCC Cadet Boy Scout, Extra Curricular Activities, General Conduct, Reason for Leaving School and Any Other Remarks fields.
- Click NEXT. The next window will appear to Preview & Confirm.
Preview & Confirm
- Click Generate. The new popup window will appear to fill in the deactivation reason field.
Students will be deactivated after confirmation. - Click Confirm. The TC will be generated for the students.
- Click to view the History of Bulk TC Generation. Click to download the generated TC for the students.