How to Record and View Clinic Visits for Students?


Steps to Record a Clinic Visit:

Student > Wellness > Clinic Visit

  1. Navigate to the Clinic Visit Screen:

    • Click on “Student”.
    • Click on “Wellness”.
    • Click on “Clinic Visit”.
  2. Search for the Student:

    • Enter the student’s name or admission number in the search bar.
    • Click on the student’s name once it appears.
  3. Enter Visit Details:

    • Fill in the visit details such as:
      • Type of Incident
      • Incident Date
      • Incident Time
      • Visit Date
      • Visit Time
      • Visit Reason
  4. View Additional Information:

    • Users can view the following fields:
      • Parent Contact Details
      • Basic Medical Info
      • Diseases and Allergies Portion
  5. Save the Visit Details:

    • After entering all necessary information, click on “Save”.
  6. View Added Visit Details:

    • To view the added visit details, click on “View”.
    • Here, the user can see the recorded visit details of the student.

By following these steps, you can efficiently record and view clinic visit details for students.

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