How to record the payment of application/registration fee?

> Admission > Manage Admission

The steps chosen by you for the admission process will be displayed on the screen.  The payment of application/registration can be recorded in any of the admission steps except enquiry step.

  1. Click the Application/Registration step in which the applicant is currently in.
  2. Click the name of the applicant to view the applicant’s details in Application/Registration form.
  3. Click the FEE tab in the vertical panel.
  4. Record the details.

    • If you have missed to record the fee payment in the Application/Registration step, you may add the details in any of the steps that follows it.
      1. Click the PREVIOUS HISTORY tab on the left side of the page.
      2. Click the FEE DETAILS  tab to enter the Application/Registration fee details of the applicant.
      3. Select the Admission Step (from the drop down) in which the fee was collected.
      4. The application/registration fee for the applicant depending on the admission category and class he/she belongs to will be displayed.
      5. Click COLLECT against the fee, to record the collection of the fee.


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