> School Setup > Academic Calendar
The academic calendar is a system of organizing days to manage the schedule, time and activities of the school. The page will be shown with the calendar and it can be seen Day, Week and Month wise. Event, Holiday and Examination can be added to the academic calendar in bulk as well as individually. All the events, holidays and examinations will be shown in different colours.
To Add New Event
- Click ADD on the left side of the page. Click EVENT to add an event to the calendar. The popup window will appear to add a new event.
- Enter Event Name.
- Select Event Type from the drop-down menu.
- Turn on the toggle against Full Day Event if the event will happen for the full day.
- Select Start Time and End Time.
- Turn on the toggle against Recurring if the event will be repeated again.
- Select Start Date.
- Select Ending Type (Never, After, On) from the drop-down menu.
- Select Repeat Type (Every Weekday (Mon-Fri), Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) from the drop-down menu.
- Click ADD and the event will be added to the calendar.
To Add New Holiday
- Click ADD on the left side of the page. Click HOLIDAY to add a holiday to the calendar. The popup window will appear to add a new holiday.
- Enter Holiday Name.
- Turn on the toggle against Recurring if the school wants to repeat the holiday.
- Select Start Date.
- Select Ending Type (Never, After, On) from the drop-down menu.
- Select Repeat Type (Every Weekday (Mon-Fri), Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) from the drop-down menu.
- Select Class and Department from the drop-down menu.
- Click ADD and the holiday will be added to the calendar.
To Add Exam Date
- Click ADD on the left side of the page. Click EXAMINATION to add the Exam Date to the calendar. The popup window will appear to add an Exam Date.
- Enter Examination Name.
- Turn on the toggle against Recurring if the school wants to repeat the examination.
- Select Start Date.
- Select Ending Type (Never, After, On) from the drop-down menu.
- Select Repeat Type (Every Weekday (Mon-Fri), Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) from the drop-down menu.
- Click ADD and the examination will be added to the calendar.
- Click
on the top right side of the page to upload the events in bulk. The new window will appear.
- Click Download Template to download the template (excel) with required fields to be filled. The template will be downloaded.
- Click Drop Excel File Here to upload the excel (with data). The events will be added to the calendar.
- Click checkbox against the event given on the left side of the page of the calendar to view or hide the event from the calendar.
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