> Library > My Library
Schools can get a smart library management solution by availing NLP’s Library module that simplifies the workflow and also decreases manual intervention. Record of all the holdings can keep in my library. Holdings issued and the due date can be seen in my library. History of all the library holdings can be seen including issue/return history, reservation history and fine payment history. The page will be shown with the Holdings, Issued Date and Due Date.
- Click
on the top right side of the page to browse the library. The next window will appear.
- Select Holding Type from the drop-down menu. The list of the holdings will be shown including Accession No., Location, Publication Year and Status.
- Click
on the top right side of the page to view fine due. The new window will appear on the right side of the page with Holding Name and Amount.
- Click
to view the history of the library.
- Select From and To dates.
- Select checkcircle against Issue/Return History. The list of the holdings with issue date, due date and returned date will be shown.
- Select checkcircle against Reservation History. The list of the holdings with reservation date, status, cancelled by and cancelled date will be shown. Select View Remarks against the desired holding to view remarks the popup window will appear to view remarks.
- Select checkcircle against Fine Payment History. The list of all the holdings with late fine, damaged/lost fine, total fine and paid date will be shown.
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